to someone you dont talk to very often
"Dear heart, please don’t fall in love when you’re just lonely, please don’t fall in love when you’re just needy, please don’t fall in love when you’re just empty. Dear heart, please don’t fall in love when there’s just no one else, please don’t fall in love when you’re board, and please don’t trick yourself into falling in love. You see, you don’t have to question yourself when you’re in love, you don’t have to change yourself to fall in love, and you don’t have to pretend to be loved. Someday you’ll just know, without asking the head for advice or the body for signs. You don’t pray for the other ones attention and you don’t play games to catch this person. You shouldnt be afraid of saying sorry, or not be in command. Give as much as you want back, cause you cant run out of love. But please, I don’t want to give it to someone I don’t love. so dear heart, whenever you're ready. i can wait."
en text jag skrev med ett citat som inspiration. jag tycker själv det är ganska viktigt.
men shit va Fiiiiint skrivet...!! hmm.. -mitt hjärta tog åt sig direkt o det började "tänka"...har mycket att lära av det du beskrev så Himla BRA...! <3
aw tack hörni (: <3