The first time we talked i lost track of time
I didn’t wanna leave or say good bye and
All that I could feel was how my heart was beating out of my chest
How can someone make me listen with all of my heart
Only by using words I’ve never heard
And now I will never forget them, I’ll always let them
Break the ice
I cannot see your eyes
It’s like we’re in disguise
Still you managed to break it
A whole ocean is between us now
Still I can hear you every time you breath
And if I close my eyes your next to me
I can see you looking back at me
Even though I’ve never seen you
Look what only words can do
Break the ice
I cannot see your eyes
It’s like we’re in disguise
Still you managed to break it
With eight hours between you and me
But nothing in this world comes easily
Let me hear you say once again;
Travel to me, money you won’t need
I got a place for you to stay, you’ll be okay
I’ll take you to my favorite place, I’ll make you feel safe
Only cause you broke the ice
I know you but I can’t see your eyes
You just got a part in my life
Break the ice one more time
and close your eyes, and you’ll feel me near, and I’ll be there
men guuuuu Nicki....såå vackert skrivet...blir alldeles tår-ögd....full av beundran o hänförd av din begåvning!! <3 <3